Camosun Student Experience Survey Results

In February 2024, we asked Camosun students about their college experience. The survey results are in — find outwhat we’ve learned.

Overall Experience

  • 74.8% of students had positive and supportive interactions with Camosun employees.
  • 80.2% felt supported in achieving their educational objectives.
  • 81.3% of students were satisfied with their overall experience at Camosun.
74.8% of students had positive and supportive interactions with Camosun employees. 80.2% felt supported in achieving their goals. 81.3% of students were satisfied with their overall experience at Camosun.

Student Life

  • 72% of students feel like they belong at Camosun.
  • 90.1% of students feel safe at Camosun and do not fear being harassed for who they are or how they are perceived.
Student Life 72% of studnts feel like they belong at Camosun. 90.1% of students said they feel safe at Camosun.


Students responded to the following statements about education at Camosun:

鶹ӰԺ has a strong reputation among peers

  • Agree: 46%
  • Strongly agree: 21.2%

鶹ӰԺ has a strong reputation with the local community

  • Agree: 50.1%
  • Strongly agree: 27.2%

I am satisfied with my current program

  • Agree: 46.8%
  • Strongly agree: 29.2%

I am satisfied with the quality of teaching in my courses

  • Agree: 44.8%
  • Strongly agree: 26.4%

I would recommend my program

  • Agree: 42.9%
  • Strongly agree: 32.6%

I would recommend 鶹ӰԺ

  • Agree:43.5%
  • Strongly agree: 43.2%

If I had to start over, I would still choose the same program

  • Agree: 36.6%
  • Strongly agree: 31.7%

If I had to start over, I would still choose 鶹ӰԺ

  • Agree: 36.3%
  • Strongly agree: 36.2%
67.2% of students agreed that Camosun has a strong reputation among peers. 77.3% said it has a strong reputation in the local community. 76% are satisfied with their current programs. 71.2% are satisfied with the quality of their courses. 75.5% would recommend their program, and 86.7% would recommend Camosun. 68.3% would still choose the same program if they had to start over, and 72.5% would still choose Camosun if they had to start over.

Applied Learning

  • 71% of students agreed that their time at Camosun provided them with the opportunity to apply their learning in the real world.
  • 67.3% are satisfied with the development of their employability skills.
71% of students agreed that their time at Camosun provided them with the opportunity to apply their learning in the real world and 67.3% are satisfied with the development of their employability skills.


  • 77.9% of students agreed that Camosun offers all of the resources, supports and services they need to be successful.
  • 71% agreed that they were able to access the supports they needed in a timely fashion.
77.9% of students agreed that Camosun offers all of the resources, supports and services they need to be successful. 71% agreed that they were able to access the supports they needed in a timely fashion.

Strategic Plan

  • 61.2% of students agreed that their experience at Camosun included opportunities for creativity and innovation.
  • 54.4% agreed that the college helped them enhance their understanding of Indigenous culture and issues.
  • 71.6% expressed that having students from other countries in their classes enriches their overall experience.
  • 63.4% said Camosun positively influenced their actions to advance sustainability.
61.2% of students agreed that their experience at Camosun included opportunities for creativity and innovation. 54.4% agreed that the college helped them enhance their understanding of Indigenous culture and issues. 71.6% expressed that having students from other countries in their classes enriches their overall experience, and 63.4% said Camosun positively influenced their actions to advance sustainability.


The survey respondents were distributed throughout the following schools:

  • Centre for Sport and Excellence Education: 7%
  • Trades and Technology: 18%
    • հ:9.5%
    • Technology: 8.5%
  • Access: 7.3%
  • Health and Human Services: 13.9%
  • Business: 27.6%
  • Arts and Science: 24.3%
Respondent Schools - Centre for Sports and Exercise Education: 7.0%; Trades: 9.5%; Technology: 8.5%; Access: 7.3%; Health and Human Services: 13.9%; Business: 27.6%;  Arts and Science: 24.3%


When asked "What has been most satisfying about your experience so far at Camosun?" 1,269 students responded, and 9 themes emerged:

Learning experience434Positive comments about the quality of teaching, the commitment of instructors, and high standards of programs and curriculum.
Engagement and connection313Students placed great value in the sense of community, the opportunity to make friends, and being able to engage in activities outside of class.
Services and supports189Students commented on how helpful staff are, and about the importance of services and supports to their academic journey.
Personal achievements122For many students, a personal achievement was the most satisfying - completing a program, achieving a certain grade, participating in project, balancing school, work and family.
Applied learning104Students commented on the value of practicums and co-op, and the connection of curriculum to work.
Physical environment96Students appreciate the natural environment of both campuses. Students commented on the CHW, Wilna Thomas, and the libraries as spaces conducive to learning.
Diversity and inclusion67Students commented on the diversity of the college community, and how they appreciated learning alongside students from different backgrounds and identities.
Flexible options63Favourable comments about online and asynchronous offerings, part-time studies, and weekend and evening classes that allow working students to pursue studies.
Class size55Students appreciate smaller classes, and the benefits of a more personal learning experience.


When asked "What could Camosun do to enhance the student experience?" 1,226 students responded, and 12 themes emerged:

Learning experience237Students commented on quality of teaching, workload demands, limited opportunity to provide feedback on learning experience.
Engagement and connection215Students would like to have more opportunities to connect outside of class.
Services and supports137Hours of service, wait times for some services, limited awareness of what is available.
Registration and related operations130Tuition and fees, registration processes, waitlists, service delivery mode.
Physical environment110More quiet study spaces, more recreational spaces, outdoor spaces, update some of the older buildings.
Transportation97Cost and availability of parking; bus availability.
Food services83Cost and type of food choices, limited food service on weekends and evenings.
Communications65Website improvements, desire to have a newsletter about campus events, opportunities to provide feedback.
Flexible options48More online offerings; more course offerings on weekends and evenings.
Diversity and inclusion37Lack of diversity in the college community; instances of racism and other identity-related marginalization.
Housing27Desire to have on-campus housing.
Resources24Cost of textbooks, condition and availability of equipment and tools.

Cultural background

The racial and cultural backgrounds in a of gathering of 100 respondents is were distributed as follows:

  • White: 56
  • Latin American: 11
  • South Asian: 9
  • Indigenous: 6
  • Chinese: 5
  • Filipino: 5
  • Black: 3
  • Japanese: 2
  • Southeast Asian: 1
  • Korean: 1
  • West Asian:1
Racial/cultural makeup of gathering of 100 respondents. 56 White, 11 Latin American, 9 South Asian, 6 Indigenous, 5 Chinese, 5 Filipino, 3 Black, 2 Japanese, 1 Southeast Asian, 1 Korean, 1 West Asian.


In a gathering of 35 respondents the gender distribution was as follows:

  • Female:20
  • Male:12
  • Non-binary:2
  • Trans:1
Gender of Respondents (gathering of 35): 20 Female, 12 Male, 2 Non-binary, 1 Trans.


In a gathering of 35 respondents their orientations were reported as:

  • Straight:25
  • Bisexual: 7
  • Gay/lesbian/queer:2
Orientation of Respondents (gathering of 35): 25 straight, 7 bisexual, 2 gay/lesbian/queer.

Family history and Disability

Students responded to the following statements about themselves:

I ampart of the first generation in my family to attend post-secondary school

  • True: 26%
  • False: 68.4%
  • Prefer not to disclose: 5.6%

I live with a disability

  • True: 20.8%
  • False: 79.2%
26% of students are part of the first generation in their families to attend post-secondary school, 68.4% are not, and 5.6% prefer not to disclose. 20.8% of students live with a disability, and 79.2% do not.

For more information contact:studentexperiencesurvey@camosun.ca